The Dormouse in Chapter VII of The Annotated Alice (pgs. 93-95) gets the following footnote from Martin Gardner: The British dormouse is a tree-living rodent that resembles a small squirrel… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Please “like” the Lewis Carroll Society of North America’s sparkly new Facebook Page!
For years, our Facebook presence has been limited to a Group. The ribbon is now cut for the Lewis Carroll Society of North America’s new Facebook Page. If you’re a… [read full post]
Management Strategies from the Mad Hatter
Would you take lessons in business management from the Mad Hatter? Charles Jennings, British “thought leader” and learning and performance consultant thinks that might not be such a bad idea…. [read full post]
Snoring Dormouse
Dormice are in the news this week – not for their entertaining stories about treacle – but because of a newly viral video of a cute snoring guy. The month-old… [read full post]
Karen Mortillaro’s Bronze Sculptures & Anamorphia
A few weeks ago we blogged about the Arne Nixon Center’s Alice exhibitions currently on display in Fresno, California. One of the artists featured in the collection is Karen Mortillaro, who… [read full post]
Gillian Welch sings “White Rabbit” on NPR
The great country revival duo, Gillian Welch (with Dave Rawlings), released their first album in almost a decade, The Harrow & the Harvest. (It’s really good.) They went on Fresh… [read full post]
Scariest Alice/Palin yet by Martin Rowson
Cartoonist Marin Rowson, contributor to U.K. newspaper the Guardian, has drawn possibly the scariest Alice/Palin yet. It appeared on Sunday, October 31 on the Guardian website under the heading “Martin… [read full post]
The Joker, the Hatter, & an armed Alaskan Alice
The buzz from the DC universe is that the Batman spinoff, The Joker’s Asylum II, June 16th, 2010, “is devoted to the Mad Hatter and his Alice obsession” (thanks, Devra… [read full post]
“Alice’s Theme”: Music & Lyrics by Danny Elfman
Danny Elfman’s soundtrack to Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland will be released on CD (an ancient kind of optical disc used to store digital audio) next Tuesday, March 2nd, and… [read full post]
Alice Eats Wonderland: A Cookbook
Alice Eats Wonderland, “An Irreverent Annotated Cookbook Adventure,” is available now. Authored by by LCSNA members August A. Imholtz, Jr. and Alison Tannenbaum – aka Baumholtz (we like portmanteau names)… [read full post]