On January 2 at 9:15 pm (Greenwich Mean Time) BBC Radio 4 Extra rebroadcasted a 45-minute adaptation of “The Hunting of the Snark,” directed by Charlotte Riches, narrated by actor… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Carroll in the news
We’re No. 2!
OCLC (Online Computer Library Center), a nonprofit cooperative organization “dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world’s information and reducing information costs,” and its member libraries cooperatively… [read full post]
Founding Member David Schaefer Passes January 14, 2018
The LCSNA is sad to announce the death of founding member, past president, and friend to all, David Schaefer, on January 14, the 120th anniversary of Lewis Carroll’s death. A… [read full post]
Alice Through the Looking Glass: Autopsy of an Expensive Alice Flop
In 1978, Michael Cimino took home the Best Picture and Best Director Academy Awards for his epic, The Deer Hunter, and was thus given a free pass to make whatever he… [read full post]
French Radio Program About Carroll and his Mathematics & Photography
For the Francophone members, a new radio show about Carroll, photography, and mathematics by Patrick Roegiers and Jacques Roubaud. Originally broadcast on January 2, 2015, this program is available until… [read full post]
Alice150 Kicking Off the Year with a Big Article in the NYT
So great news for Carrollians, the larger world is starting to notice that this year is the 150th anniversary of AAIW. And what better way to start than with a… [read full post]
Macmillan to Reissue Lots of Alice Books for Alice 150
Can’t keep a good idea down, Macmillan is jumping on the Alice 150 bandwagon with a slew of new editions of both Alice and Looking Glass, not to mention Morton… [read full post]
Alice’s House for Sale for a Cool £1million
I bet if we all pooled our money we could buy this as our official residence and meeting place. Ah well, I can dream can’t I? Click me to see… [read full post]
Latest Disney Alice Film Not Based on Carroll
Radio Interview With Current LCSNA President on Carroll’s Birthday
Audio fans! This just in: “Life Elsewhere, a radio show from Tampa, FL, interviewed our current president, Mark Burstein, on Carroll’s birthday, January 27. The host, Norman B, was a bit obsessed… [read full post]