Past Meetings

LCSNA Meeting Presentations and Recordings

In the future we hope to record all of our meetings in order for members and friends who were not able to attend to hear the presentations and those who attended to return to fabulous talks.


2021 Fall Meeting

Fall 2021 Meeting Playlist

2021 Spring Meeting

Spring 2021 Meeting Playlist

2020 Fall Meeting

Fall 2020 Meeting Playlist

Presenter Title Length
Linda Cassady Opening Remarks 9:11
Michael Hancher Revising The Tenniel Illustrations to the ‘Alice’ Books (1985, 2019)   [PDF] 51:13
Arnold Hirshon Beyond Tenniel: Trailblazing Illustrators of Alice   [PDF] 26:25
Amanda Koziura Adaptations of Alice, Creating a digital exhibit using Scalar 17:58
Ben Gorham Applying Global Information Systems to Reveal the Publication History and Interconnectedness of Alice. 24:25
Jared Bendis Using Alice’s Words for Web Poetry and Prose Creation & Creating New Tenniel Printing Blocks Using Laser Cuts 19:34
August Imholtz The History of the Appleton Edition of Alice   [PDF] 14:59
Edward Guliano Lewis Carroll: A Poet First   [PDF] 37:06
Matt Demakos The Blip: The Engraver’s Role in Tenniel’s Process 34:42

2019 Fall Meeting

University of Pennsylvania

Presenter Title Length
Charlie Lovett From Little Ruby to Debbie Allen: Alice on Stage in Philadelphia 51:40

2017 Spring Meeting

San Francisco Public Library

Presenter Title Length
Peter Hanff A New Wonderland; or, L. Frank Baum’s Adventures in Phunniland 35:26
Stuart Moskowitz Puzzles and the Man 49:12
Amanda Lastoria Art Directing Alice: Recovering Carroll’s Creative Process 20:21
Joseph W. Svec Sherlock Down the Rabbit Hole: An Overview of Sherlock Holmes/Lewis Carroll Crossovers 16:12
Howard Chang Annotating Alice for Chinese Readers 32:09
Amanda Kennell From Alice to Arisu: Translating Wonderland into Japanese 33:16

2016 Fall Meeting

Fales Library, New York University

Presenter Title Length
Dana Walrath Alzheimer’s Through the Looking-Glass 36:30 [audio only]

2016 Spring Meeting

University of Maryland

Presenter Title Length
Wendy Crandall My Life with Alice – A collector’s Profile 30:04
Matt Crandall Alice in Disney Land 22:04
Catherine Richards Having a Lovely Time, Wish You Were Here 16:38
Ellen Schaffer-Salins Psychological Theories Named From the Works of Lewis Carroll 30:28
Michael Dirda Down Other Rabbit Holes: Some 19th-Century Cousins of Alice in Wonderland 41:15
Tatiana Ianovskaia, Oleg Lipchenko Two Outstanding Illustrators, Interviewed by August Imholtz 59:61
George Walker Illustrating Alice: Celebrating 150 Years of Artists who have Brought Carroll’s Story to Live 50:24
Victor Fet Forty Russian Snarks or Boojums
Eva Salins Alice’s Dream 1:07
Chuck Howell Dramatic Readings of Lewis Carroll 11:25
University of Maryland, Hornbake Library Alice 150 and Counting…The Legacy of Lewis Carroll Website
University of Maryland, Hornbake Library UMD Libraries New Year’s Greeting 2016 00:43

2012 Fall Meeting

Fales Library, New York University

Presenter Title Length
Edward Guiliano & Morton Cohen Thirty Years Later: Morton Cohen Interviewed by Edward Guiliano, PhD 46:19