This session will explore the engraver’s responsibility when cutting Tenniel’s finished drawings on the wood. Demakos will delve into the different types of engraving, the process of physically cutting the block, and, most importantly, the accuracy of the cutting. Who is exactly responsible for the final image?
Length: 34:42
Speaker Bio:
Matt Demakos papers about Carroll include “Hiawatha Annotating” (a look into Carroll’s “Hiawatha’s Photographing”); “Alice’s Adventures from Under Ground to Wonderland” (exploring the differences between the two); “Children through the Ages” (a study into the true ages of Carroll’s “child-friends”); and “Accountably and Unaccountably Shy” (about Carroll’s shyness). In 2016 he began works about Tenniel, first publishing in Knight Letter “Once I Was A Real Turtle” (about Tenniel’s post-publication drawings), with “Sketch—Trace—Draw” forthcoming (part 1 of a look into Tenniel’s working process), with part 2 (“Cut—Proof—Print”) planned as an online-only article.