The information below is intended to address some frequently asked questions about the LCSNA, but is by no means intended to answer all questions.
Please note that as a non-profit organization, we do not post advertising. You are welcome to submit news of a Carrollian nature to our Blog.
For information about Lewis Carroll and his works, please visit our Lewis Carroll Resources and FAQ.
About the Lewis Carroll Society of North America
How do I join?
Come to one of our meetings, or even better, join on this site right now!
What does the LCSNA do?
We promote the study and appreciation of the works and life of Lewis Carroll. For more information, please see our About Us page.

What are your members like?
We’re a remarkable mix of scholars, enthusiasts and collectors. While we are based in the U.S., we have members of all ages and backgrounds from all over the world. Come to a meeting and see for yourself! We’re as diverse as the residents of Wonderland and Looking-Glass World — but generally far more agreeable. Shown here are the Bursteins, spanning three generations of members.
I’ve produced a paper, book, artwork or composition inspired by Lewis Carroll and/or his works. Would the LCSNA be interested in knowing more about it, or having me speak at an upcoming meeting?
We are always eager to learn of new scholarship and arts projects and performances relating to Lewis Carroll. You are welcome to submit a proposal to us at any time. As a volunteer organization, it may take some time for us to reply, but all serious inquiries will receive a response.
I have an old copy of a Lewis Carroll book and I’m trying to figure out what it’s worth—can you help?
While many of us are book collectors, and some of us are book experts, the LCSNA is not in the business of selling antique books, and regretfully does not have the resources to evaluate and appraise the many, many editions of Carroll’s works out there. We recommend that you try a few internet searches with specific words from the publishing information or particular details of your book (cover art, illustrator, etc.), or try contacting one of the many rare book dealers who specialize in Carroll and/or Victorian literature. Again, online searching is helpful for identifying likely resources. You can also consult websites like or to see if you can find dealers already selling copies of editions that have the same description as yours. Be aware that vintage book prices vary greatly depending on title, rarity, condition, and other factors–including the price a given dealer chooses to put on a particular book! Always consult more than one source when attempting to evaluate relative market worth. Most Alice editions out there were mass produced and do not have great worth on today’s market. But of course, you never know until you do some homework. And remember: the hunt is part of the fun (as long as you don’t run into any Boojums)!
I’d love to get involved—how can I help?
Join the LCSNA, come to a meeting, or send us an email or letter. Let us know about your particular interests and talents. We look forward to welcoming you into the Society!
See also, Lewis Carroll FAQ.