

The Lewis Carroll Society of North America is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (EIN# 13-2904564) under Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable under the law. The value of a regular US membership is $55.

Membership dues are on a calendar year basis (January 1 – December 31). Members receive all journals and newsletters for the year in which they join. Membership dues are not prorated.

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Join or Renew the LCSNA Membership

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You can join the Society by paying by credit card online, mailing a check, or depositing funds directly into our Bank of America Account. Please make your selections and add to cart above. Select your payment method (Credit Card, Check, or Direct Bank Transfer) in the cart and place order online so that we have your membership details.

Please make checks payable to “LCSNA” and mail to:

Lewis Carroll Society of North America
2578 Broadway, #556
New York, NY 10025-8844

LCSNA Membership Pin

Benefits include…

While our meetings are free and open to the public, annual membership in the LCSNA has privileges. Membership includes two digital/PDF editions per year of our superb journal, the Knight Letter, and any member premium we produce or receive as a donation during the membership year. Recent examples are: Lewis Carroll: The Worlds of His Alices, by Edward Guiliano, was provided without cost to all LCSNA members and Pamphlet 6: The Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll: A Miscellany of Works on Alice, Theater, Religion, Science, and More, edited by Charlie Lovett, was offered to LCSNA Members at a 50% discount [this alone was worth the price of membership!].

The Society provides eight to twelve events each year, such as the LCSNA Book Club (in conversation with Charlie Lovett and Edward Guiliano) and other social events you are invited to join. Recordings of meetings are located on the the Members Only section of our website and the  LCSNA YouTube Channel.

The Knight Letter is provided in digital/PDF format to all membership levels. A print version is available for $35 to US members and for $45 to International members. Life and and Institutional membership benefits include the digital/PDF and print version of the Knight Letter.

Membership Levels

Individual Members ($55) receive a PDF version of the semi-annual Knight Letter; discount notices for new Society publications; early notification of special publications, the opportunity to participate in organizational activities, and access to Members Only materials such as an electronic archive of past meetings, events, and Knight Letters.

Sustaining Members ($125) demonstrate the highest level of ongoing support to LCSNA’s mission and programs, in addition to all the benefits of Individual Membership.

Life Members ($2000) provide a onetime contribution for LCSNA membership. They recognize their support is essential to the growth of the Society and have aligned themselves to the Society in a special way. Life membership provides you an uninterrupted relationship to the LCSNA and Carroll studies. They receive all benefits of Individual Members and a digital/PDF and print version of the semi-annual Knight Letter.

Institutional Members ($100) receive a digital/PDF and print version of the semi-annual Knight Letter; discount notices for new Society publications; early notification of special publications, the opportunity to participate in organizational activities, and access to Members Only materials such as an electronic archive of past meetings, events and Knight Letters.
Institutional orders must include the name of the organization, institution, or business with their order or on their check. This membership class is intended for educational organizations, libraries, publishers, book dealers, and literary societies. Individuals should select Individual or Sustaining Memberships.  For questions contact:

Student Memberships ($25) are available to anyone younger than 25 years old or attending an educational institution resulting in a graduation certificate or degree. They receive full Individual Member benefits.