Initiatives and Priorities

April 2023

Listed below are some of the projects and initiatives for the Society beginning in 2023. This list includes only new initiatives, i.e., the list does not include our ongoing activities (e.g., publishing  the Knight Letter and conduct conferences and Zoom sessions throughout the year). Some of these may be fully accomplished this year, but most will require more than one year to complete. The LCSNA Board annually will review our progress on each initiative, and based upon our progress we may update, modify, or add new initiatives

LCSNA Mission

To encourage study and promote awareness and appreciation of the life, work, times, and influence of Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), including the advancement of public knowledge and appreciation of the works of Lewis Carroll in North America by publishing the writings of Lewis Carroll, arranging literary programs concerning the works of Lewis Carroll, promoting historical research on the life and works of Lewis Carroll, and collecting and preserving materials of historical value relating to Lewis Carroll.

Initiatives and Priorities

1. Membership Growth and Retention

1.1. Membership Committee. Appoint a new Membership Committee to launch a systematic and effective membership recruitment drive aimed at both membership growth and retention, including the recruitment and retention of younger members.

1.2. Member Involvement. Expand the circle of members who are involved in the work of the Society.

1.3. Institutional Memberships. Work with universities, museums, and libraries that hold significant collections of Carrolliana to create a scholarly network that makes scholars more aware of their holdings, and furthers the study of Lewis Carroll and his works.

2. Finances

2.1. Development Committee. Appoint a Development Committee to develop and execute a plan to increase fundraising and to identify additional funding sources beyond annual memberships, such as increased donations from individuals (including through bequests and will commitments) and seek foundation funding and grants to support specific initiatives consistent with our mission.

3. Publications

3.1. New Publications.

3.1.1. Publish Charlie Lovett’s A Bibliography of the Works of Charles L. Dodgson.
3.1.2. Consider additional publications as recommended by the Publications Committee and approved by the Board (e.g., LCSNA History for 50th Anniversary)

3.2. Digital Publications. Review the list of previous LCSNA publications to determine which can be easily digitized and made available in PDF format through the website.

3.3. Digital Databases. Explore creation and management by the Society (perhaps in affiliation with a university) to content databases (e.g., the combined database of the Alice in a World of Wonderland checklists of 2015 Translations and 2023 English-Language editions).

4. Programs and Events

4.1. Review the Hybrid Meeting Concept. Review the costs and practicality of hybrid conferences (including replacing simulcasting the live conference with recordings of the presentations) given the complex technology, processes, and costs.

4.2. In-Person Conferences. Identify a venue for the Fall 2024 (50th Anniversary) in-person conference.

4.3. Schaefer Reading Program. Develop alternatives to the in-person annual reading associated with the fall conference.

5. Membership Communications

5.1. General

5.1.1. Communications Plan. Create a membership communications plan that makes clear the options for members to stay informed about LCSNA developments.
5.1.2. Statement of Member Benefits. Create a clear statement of membership benefits, including consideration of the financially sustainability of some current practices.

5.2. Website (including the blog)

5.2.1. Comprehensive Review of Content. Begin a comprehensive and systematic review of all website content to ensure it is easy to use and up-to-date, and to remove older content, to determine if there are important gaps in current coverage, and to provide better access to non-Society managed sources of reliable information about Carroll and his works.

5.3. Social Media Platforms

5.3.1. External Organizational Announcements. Articulate policies and procedures for handling requests from outside organizations that wish to have LCSNA include announcements about their events, publications, auctions, etc. in our blog or through our social media platforms.

6. Administrative Operations

6.1. Committees. Publicize the charges for all committees, and encourage members to join a committee and participate.
