Fedde Benedictus’s site “The Tricycle Down the Rabbit Hole” contains musings on various topics from the perspective of a philosopher of physics. His “Numbers in Wonderland” thread has five episodes… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Interesting Article on Turing and Carroll
French Radio Program About Carroll and his Mathematics & Photography
For the Francophone members, a new radio show about Carroll, photography, and mathematics by Patrick Roegiers and Jacques Roubaud. Originally broadcast on January 2, 2015, this program is available until… [read full post]
Scientific American Blog Post Considers Euclid and His Modern Rivals
If you’re a fan of geometry, math, or just Lewis Carroll, you might be interested in this blog post from Scientific American. It considers the importance and relevance of Mr. Dodsgon’s… [read full post]
Puzzles in Wonderland Book Features Carroll-Inspired Brain Teasers
One of our mimsy minions has alerted us to a new book by Richard Wolfrik Galland entitled Lewis Carroll’s Puzzles in Wonderland. And here is what our minion had to say:… [read full post]
Another Lewis Carroll-Themed Song Cycle
Composer Bruce Lazarus posted a link on our Facebook page about The Lewis Carroll Project, his art song cycle dedicated to the life and works of Lewis Carroll. Lazarus has drawn… [read full post]
Lewis Carroll wins March Madness Bracket!
We’ve already exhausted the ‘March Hare Mad-Hatter-ness’ pun on this blog a few years ago, but Lewis Carroll is making basketball news during the college playoffs! His contributions to bracketology… [read full post]
The Game of Logic Audio Book free on iTunes
.If you were wondering what to listen to in your car as you travel between Cut Bank, Montana, and McNab, Alberta (about a 105 minute drive, depending on traffic at… [read full post]
Celebration of Mind II – Sign up!
Can you change “100” to “CAT” by moving just two of these toothpicks? The above puzzle is probably familiar to many lovers of logic games, but new to the multitude… [read full post]
New LCSNA Martin Gardner Tribute Book Just Released!
Callooh! Callay!! We are delighted to announce that the LCSNA has just published a frabjous new book paying tribute to the late, great Martin Gardner–columnist, philosopher, polymath, magician, religious thinker, and author… [read full post]