Once again, we have chosen nine new (or new to us) editions that reflect the infinite creativity of illustrators and book designers and makers, acknowledging Alice’s capacity to do so…. [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Graphic Arts links and listings related to Lewis Carroll
Astonishing Illustrators V
Les Aventures d’Alice au Pays des Merveilles (AW) comes in a bilingual French & English edition with wildly idiosyncratic images by Sandrine Domaine (L’Oxalide, 2014, ISBN 978-2-916881-98-0). Easy to find,… [read full post]
More Nine More Astonishing New Illustrators
As my posts Nine Astonishing New Illustrators, Nine More Astonishing New Illustrators, and Yet Nine More Astonishing New Illustrators have received much welcome in the Carroll-collector community, I felt it was time… [read full post]
Yet Nine More Astonishing New Illustrators
As my posts Nine Astonishing New Illustrators and Nine More Astonishing New Illustrators have received much welcome in the Carroll-collector community, I felt it was time to do another. Once… [read full post]
Alice in Cartoonland THIS FRIDAY

Brian Sibley, president of the LCS(UK) and a most entertaining speaker, explores the comic universe of Carrollian cartoons, chronicling their history from the original illustrations for Alice’s Adventures Under Ground to the… [read full post]
A Wonderland of Wallpapers
In “Judy Holliday’s Old Home in the Village Deserved a Renovation” in the Real Estate section of the New York Times on August 8, 2023, we learn that Jarrah Al-Buainain,… [read full post]
Pursuing an Artist with Smiles and Soap

Nine More Astonishing New Illustrators
The response to my post “Nine Astonishing New Illustrators” was overwhelmingly positive, so I think it is time to do another. Most of these were found by an Instagram cadre… [read full post]
Wonderland’s Other Queen?

According to Emma Capron, one of the world’s leading Renaissance art experts, and curator of The Ugly Duchess: Beauty and Satire in the Renaissance, which opens at the National Gallery… [read full post]
How Did We Miss This Great Art?

From March 27 to April 25, 2021, the Haven Gallery in Northport (Long Island, NY) had a “Lewis Carroll Group Exhibition” in which artists were “invited to look to the… [read full post]