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Astonishing Illustrators V

Les Aventures d’Alice au Pays des Merveilles (AW) comes in a bilingual French & English edition with wildly idiosyncratic images by Sandrine Domaine (L’Oxalide, 2014, ISBN 978-2-916881-98-0). Easy to find,… [read full post]


More Nine More Astonishing New Illustrators

As my posts Nine Astonishing New Illustrators, Nine More Astonishing New Illustrators, and Yet Nine More Astonishing New Illustrators have received much welcome in the Carroll-collector community, I felt it was time… [read full post]


Alice in Cartoonland THIS FRIDAY

Brian Sibley, president of the LCS(UK) and a most entertaining speaker, explores the comic universe of Carrollian cartoons, chronicling their history from the original illustrations for Alice’s Adventures Under Ground to the… [read full post]


Lipchenko Art Auction in Support of Ukraine

Canadian artist Oleg Lipchenko has very generously decided to auction off his Carrollian work, books and original art, in support of his native Ukraine. The auction is LIVE. You can… [read full post]
