Brian Sibley, president of the LCS(UK) and a most entertaining speaker, explores the comic universe of Carrollian cartoons, chronicling their history from the original illustrations for Alice’s Adventures Under Ground to the… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
“Let’s Go Crazy” (Sing 2)
Sing 2, the excellent sequel to the very popular animated musical Sing, opens with a shot of Meera, the teenage elephant (Tori Kelly), who runs through a forest, trips and… [read full post]
Alice’s Wonderland Bakery
Disney Junior will be presenting an animated comedy series called Alice’s Wonderland Bakery, premiering on Disney+ beginning on February 9. It features the granddaughter of the original Alice, who has… [read full post]
Les Aventures d’Alice (1970)
The 2-hour 1970 ORTF (Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française) production, described in The Annotated Alice 150 as a “burlesque with stunning visual and auditory overlay” has recently been found on… [read full post]
News from Toontown!
Two posts by Jim Korkis in the Cartoon Research blog might be of historical interest: “The Disney ‘Alice in Wonderland’ Never Made” and “Aldous Huxley’s Version of the Disney ‘Alice’.”… [read full post]
Waring the World Am I?
OK, it was broadcast almost 70 years ago, but just came to our attention. The Fred Waring Show (yes, he of the Blendor [sic] and the Pennsylvanians) ran on CBS… [read full post]
What card should the Queen of Hearts be in a deck of cards?
All ways here you see, are the Three of Clubs’ way! This comes via Reddit’s r/crappydesign, the Comic Sans-loving subreddit devoted to horrifying style and engineering choices. User PingPongPresident found… [read full post]
Walt Disney’s Animated Alice on the Big Screen
Walt Disney’s animated Alice is going to be showing at the El Capitan theater on Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles for one night only February 12, 2015, as part of their… [read full post]
Russian Artist and Filmmaker Valeriy Kozhin
We love discovering new talent, even more so when they seek us out! Valeriy Kozhin reached out to us with his short film “The Gardeners Dream”, and had this to… [read full post]