Walt Disney first saw Miss Beaumont in a 1948 Esther Williams vehicle called On an Island with You, which led to her being cast as Alice and later, Wendy. Her… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Disney’s Alice in Wonderland
A Virtual Time Machine to Disneyland, 1958
Former Imagineers Don Carson and Daniel Rover Singer (longtime LCSNA member) have created videos that digitally re-create the experience of riding Disneyland’s original “Alice in Wonderland” ride that opened in… [read full post]
Waring the World Am I?
OK, it was broadcast almost 70 years ago, but just came to our attention. The Fred Waring Show (yes, he of the Blendor [sic] and the Pennsylvanians) ran on CBS… [read full post]
Rolling Stone 10 Best Movie Drug Trips Includes Disney’s Alice
From the Department of Dubious Distinctions: It seems that Disney’s animated version of Alice in Wonderland has been named to the Rolling Stone list of “10 Best Movie Drug Trips.” I don’t… [read full post]