The Dormouse in Chapter VII of The Annotated Alice (pgs. 93-95) gets the following footnote from Martin Gardner: The British dormouse is a tree-living rodent that resembles a small squirrel… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Pre-Raphaelite Society invites monographs for essay prize
The Pre-Raphaelite Society in the United Kingdom is calling for entries to the John Pickard Essay Prize. Last year’s winner was Anne Anderson, for her essay “The Pre-Raphaelite Lovejoy: Dante… [read full post]
Dodgson photos in Italy
The exhibit “I Rossetti tra Vasto e Londra” (“The Rossettis between Vasto and London”) includes photographs of the Rossetti family (the Pre-Raphaelite painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti, poet Christina Rossetti, and… [read full post]