I think the creepiest clip from an Alice movie I’ve seen recently was unintentionally scary, which Jenny Woolf linked to at her blog, brought to light in re Will Brooker’s… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Month: October 2009
Special Mad Hatter’s Tea Party at the Dorchester this week
All week long, the Promenade at the Dorchester (in London’s Mayfair on Park Lane) has been transformed into the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, with help from the English National Ballet’s… [read full post]
Jenny Woolf’s Jabberwock.co.uk
UK author Jenny Woolf maintains a website which is our close cousin in the blogosphere – Jabberwock.co.uk/blog. Previously, she has transcribed and annotated Lewis Carroll’s bank account – as Lewis… [read full post]
Castle in the Air in Berkeley: Two Carroll Photographs
After a journey lasting several more than a hundred years and considerably more than a hundred miles, two photographs taken by Mr Dodgson have found their way from the developing… [read full post]
Chris t. Halverson’s Alice Project in Hopkins, Minnesota, October 24th thru November 29th
Carrollians near L’Étoile du Nord should find their way to Hopkins, MN, starting this weekend. Local Minneapolis-based artist Chris t. Halverson has been using our favorite wonderer as his muse… [read full post]
Online Auction for 2015
Another fundraiser for the 2015 event is a weekly auction of very fun items donated by the family of the great Carrollian collector Carolyn Buck. Check it out, and keep… [read full post]
Nancy Wiley’s Alice Doll Book
If the LCSNA meetings in 2010 are coming up too fast for you, how about 2015? The LCSNA hopes to hold a special event to celebrate the 150th anniversary of… [read full post]
LCSNA meetings
If you weren’t able to attend the LCSNA fall meeting in Fort Lee, NJ, this past weekend, take a look at some of the articles written about it… “Down the… [read full post]
Portmanteaus on This American Life
Lewis Carroll was not mentioned by name, nor was the word ‘portmanteau’ ever dropped, but Humpty Dumpty’s spirit lurked around the September 13th, 2009, episode of This American Life (#389… [read full post]
Mad Hatter Day
Just a heads up that Tuesday is Mad Hatter Day. Why? Because it is 10/6! (I love that he has nervously kicked off his shoes in this picture. Striped socks… [read full post]