Carrollians near L’Étoile du Nord should find their way to Hopkins, MN, starting this weekend. Local Minneapolis-based artist Chris t. Halverson has been using our favorite wonderer as his muse for many years in several mediums, an ongoing so-called “Alice Project”. He has already displayed some of his Alice work at the Minneapolis Stevens Square Center for the Arts. This showing of mostly new work will run from October 24th through November 29th, at the Hopkins Center for the Arts, 1111 Main Street, Hopkins, MN 55343. The reception is Saturday from 6-8pm. Ruth Berman writes us “I went to the Stevens Square display and was impressed by his work.”
Some of his art can be found at his website thealiceproject.home.mindspring.com – although, turn your speakers down if you don’t want to hear an endless loop of the Jefferson Airplane song.