The physicist in me is just giggling over this article. How cool that two of my very favorite subjects have collided, and non-destructively too I might add. Basically they’ve separated… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Month: July 2014
Upgraded Alice Attraction Finally Opens at Disneyland
After years of being draped in hideously ugly tarps to cover the makeshift scaffolding erected to correct a supposed OSHA violation, the Imagineers at Disney finally unveiled their new enhanced… [read full post]
150 Years of Alice Illustrations
Huntsville, AL Botanical Garden Alice’s Garden of Wonders
The Botanical Gardens in Huntsville AL have an Alice theme running all summer (May-Aug), titled Alice’s Garden of Wonders. including a week-long camp for kids running from July 28-Aug 1. Information… [read full post]
Funky Stop Motion Snark on YouTube
1954 Kraft Television Theatre Alice on YouTube
From our elevator buddy Jenna comes this link to something I’ve never seen, but is way cool. A 1954 TV version of Alice on the Kraft Television Theatre, featuring Edgar Bergen… [read full post]
July 9th Tee Fury T-Shirt Design Features Cheshire Cat and Alice
Attention Carrollians! Today’s TeeFury T-Shirt features the Cheshire Cat and Disney’s Alice. This shirt is available today (Wednesday, July 9th) only! If the design is popular enough (which seems… [read full post]
Fall Meeting Date Announced!
Macmillan to Reissue Lots of Alice Books for Alice 150
Can’t keep a good idea down, Macmillan is jumping on the Alice 150 bandwagon with a slew of new editions of both Alice and Looking Glass, not to mention Morton… [read full post]
Fifty Shades of Alice?! Ew.
Again from our Fearless Leader (kinda edgy, dontcha think?). Ok, did we really need this? Who can say. And who will review it for KL? Hayley, please say no 😉… [read full post]