LCSNA-Published Definitive New Carroll Bibliography Now Available!

Charles L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) A Bibliography of Works Published in His Lifetime by LCSNA member and former president Charlie Lovett is now available for order from the University of Virginia Press!

Charles L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) A Bibliography of Works Published in His Lifetime by LCSNA member and former president Charlie Lovett is now available for order at a members’ discount from the University of Virginia Press.

The first major new bibliographical study of Lewis Carroll’s works in nearly half a century, this book is not just an updating of the 1979 Lewis Carroll Handbook, but an entirely new study organized along traditional bibliographical lines. Charlie includes a significant amount of material new to Carroll bibliography, including items discovered in recent years, descriptions of proof copies and reprints, detailed descriptions of contributions to periodicals, and much more. With over 250 illustrations and more than 600 primary and hundreds of secondary entries, this book is sure to become an indispensable companion for collectors, dealers, librarians, scholars, and enthusiasts.

Edward Guiliano, author or editor of seven books on Lewis Carroll, founding member and past president of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America writes: “Meticulously compiled, checked, and rechecked against more primary sources than were previously known, this comprehensive bibliography of the works of Lewis Carroll published during his lifetime is certain to be a standard reference for Carroll scholars and collectors for decades to come. Lovett, a renowned Carroll author and collector, has used modern digital research techniques and bibliographical standards to give us the definitive guide to all the works published by the author of the Alice books, as well as many new details on the nineteenth-century history in print of some of the world’s most inexhaustible tales and their extraordinary creator.”

LCSNA members can expect to see a generous 25% off discount code in their inboxes very soon, just in time for holiday shopping. And don’t forget, this is the second book published by the LCSNA this year! Lewis Carroll Collections & Collectors, by the aforementioned Edward Guiliano, also makes a great gift for the Carrollian in your life.
