Lewis Carroll Society of North America Application Process for Research Grants
The Stan Marx fund, established in memory of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America’s founding president, supports a range of educational and related travel opportunities associated with studying and promoting an awareness and appreciation of the life, work, times, and influence of Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson).
Grants are available to LCSNA members who are scholars requiring research support on some aspect of Lewis Carroll’s life and work.
If an award is granted, the awardee will be required to: (1) acknowledge the support of the Society in any presentation and/or publication of the research results, and (2) to agree to present the research results at a virtual or in-person meeting of the Society.
How to apply:
A simple application containing the following all of the following elements should be emailed to: president@lewiscarroll.org
1. Personal Statement/Request. Provide a description in 250 words that addresses all of the following.
- The research questions or research hypotheses you propose to investigate, and the expected outcomes (results) of your research
- The purpose of the specific support being requested, e.g.,
- if the application is for travel, address why your proposed participation or project requires travel to be completed in a particular location, or
- if the application is for other types of research support, the statement should clearly state the intended use of the funds.
- Clearly state why you are uniquely qualified to conduct this research project.
- The expected completion date of research.
- Your plans for sharing or distributing the results of your research (e.g., publication, presentations to scholarly societies, video, podcast).
2. Budget. Itemize all the total anticipated costs to be incurred for undertaking the research, and the amount of support being requested from the Lewis Carroll Society of North America. Although there are no strict limits as to the amount of the award. Depending upon the strength of the proposal and the level of need, individual awards usually may be from $300 to $1,000 per grantee, but in no case may the grant exceed 100% of the anticipated costs.
3. A brief biography or CV. Describe your qualifications for undertaking this research, including degrees, professional training, and any current or previous professional institutional affiliation (e.g., university status, including academic department and status, such as student, graduate student, or faculty member).
APPLICATION DEADLINE. Funding is dependent upon the availability of funds each year, and the Society reserves the right to make no awards in any year if there are insufficient funds. The Society considers all requests received twice per year. The deadlines for the two cycles are May 30 and October 30. Award announcements usually are made within forty-five to sixty days of these deadlines.