We’ve got some exciting news about an exciting member premium that is incredibly exciting! Was that too many excitings? Not a chance! In Through the Looking-Glass, when Alice meets the fumbling… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Found in Translation
The 150th Anniversary Deluxe Edition of The Annotated Alice has just been published by Aki Shobo in Japanese translation. Although smaller in format and all in black-and-white, I’m sure all… [read full post]
Five More New Books
Five new books of possible interest to younger Carrollians: “Gothically visionary” You Are Alice in Wonderland’s Mum (Pick-A-Plot book 4 in a series of Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style books, Conundrum Press, 2017), written and illustrated by Sherwin… [read full post]
Rackham iPad App
There is a new Alice iPad app, featuring beautifully rendered Arthur Rackham illustrations! At $2.99 it is a bargain. Get yours now! From the iTunes page: • Complete set of… [read full post]
Fifty Shades of Alice?! Ew.
Again from our Fearless Leader (kinda edgy, dontcha think?). Ok, did we really need this? Who can say. And who will review it for KL? Hayley, please say no 😉… [read full post]
New Interactive Wonderland eBook by Emmanuel Paletz
I’ve just learned about a new interactive eBook app version of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. This one comes from award-winning designer Emmanuel Paletz. This version draw images from Flemish and Dutch… [read full post]