With great sadness we note the passing of Martin Gardner this past Saturday, May 22, 2010, in Norman, Oklahoma at the age of 95. Martin Gardner was not only a… [read full post]
Remembering Martin Gardner

The Blog of the LCSNA
With great sadness we note the passing of Martin Gardner this past Saturday, May 22, 2010, in Norman, Oklahoma at the age of 95. Martin Gardner was not only a… [read full post]
The Silver Eye Center for Photography in Pittsburgh, PA is currently offering a two-for-one deal on Wonderland-inspired photography exhibits. (Actually, both exhibitions are free and open to the public, which… [read full post]
Time for our irregularly regular round-up of what’s new in the world of Carroll collectibles and Alice in Wonderland-themed garden gnomes. First up… Alice in Wonderland-themed garden gnomes! These may… [read full post]
LCSNA’s 2008 publication of Dr. Elizabeth Sewell’s scholarly study Lewis Carroll: Voices from France has been noted in the Times Literary Supplement of May 7, 2010. The review itself is… [read full post]
Michael Everson released six Carroll books in 2009 from his publishing company Evertype, starting with the Irish AAIW, Eachtraí Eilíse, and continues now with more new unique oddities. All this… [read full post]
Some light entertainment for your Sunday morning: Where would you put a life-size cut-out of Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen (yours for only $34.95 from AG)? I would like… [read full post]