Given plenty of money and a reliable seat cushion, I am relatively certain that a keen fan could see 365 different community theater productions of “Alice in Wonderland” this year…. [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Month: January 2010
Far-Flung Knight
Welcome to the LCSNA’s blog, where you can read regular updates about Lewis Carroll’s influence on all aspects of life. Please keep in mind that these posts are informational only;… [read full post]
"Down the Rabbit Hole": Juried art exhibition in Bakersfield, California
Central Californian Carrollians and other art lovers should direct their GPS towards Bakersfield, California, for a juried exhibit of art inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Alice books. The Arts Council of… [read full post]
Chronological List of the Meetings of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America
Messrs. August A. Imholtz, Jr., and Mark Burstein, bigwigs of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America, have prepared a useful digital book of the Chronological List of the Meetings… [read full post]
“Mad Hatter Card Party”, painting by Leonard Filgate
This is a new painting (acrylic on canvas) by California-based artist Leonard Filgate, one of the creators of Rip Squeak. On his page, there are several ways to purchase… [read full post]
Alice I Have Been by Melanie Benjamin
I’ve seen some Alice-themed display tables at various bookstores recently (for instance, in the U.C. San Diego bookstore), and this new book Alice I Have Been by Melanie Benjamin (mentioned… [read full post]
William Morris Society Calls for Papers
William Morris was a contemporary of Charles Dodgson, and a colleague in his fascination with medieval aesthetics in literature, art and design. The William Morris Society has recently issued two… [read full post]
Alice Eats Wonderland: A Cookbook
Alice Eats Wonderland, “An Irreverent Annotated Cookbook Adventure,” is available now. Authored by by LCSNA members August A. Imholtz, Jr. and Alison Tannenbaum – aka Baumholtz (we like portmanteau names)… [read full post]
Lewis Carroll Society Meeting with Jasper Fforde
Author Jasper Fforde, best known for his novel The Eyre Affair, and other adventures of the courageous literary detective Thursday Next, will be speaking to the Lewis Carroll Society in… [read full post]
2011 Calender with Iassen Ghiuselev’s new Looking-Glass Illustrations
Iassen Ghiuselev’s beautiful illustrations for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland were published by Simply Read Books in 2003 & will be re-issued in March 2010. (For obvious reasons, are we expecting… [read full post]