This essay by Joyce Carol Oates, “In the Absence of Mentors/Monsters: Notes on Writerly Influences,” was actually published in Narrative Magazine in Fall 2009, but it’s now available online at… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Month: September 2010
Free Downloads of Storypods Nonsense Contest Winners
Andrew Sellon, President of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America, has partnered with Oxford-based Storypods Audiobooks to provide free audio downloads of the two poems that won Storypod’s 2010… [read full post]
Do feminists slay Jabberwocks?
Issue 48, Fall 2010, of Bitch Magazine, “The Make-Believe Issue,” includes “Alice in Adaptation-Land—How wanderer Alice became warrior Alice, and why.” In the well-written article, Kristina Aikens makes the interesting… [read full post]
New Pop-up: Il était une fois…
Eight classical tales evoked by a double page with ingenious mechanism, in a magnificent book which associates technical exploit and artistic talent. Find the characters of the most famous tales:… [read full post]
Marilyn Manson’s Phantasmagoria disappears like a little ghost
Many Lewis Carroll lovers have been awaiting Marilyn Manson’s promised Dodgson movie with varying degrees of dread. The latest news, according to, is that the studio has shelved the… [read full post]
O Absalom, my caterpillar!
A writer named Steve A Wiggins (“part-time Academic” & “failed priest” according to his bio) wonders on his blog Sects & Violence in the Ancient World about screenwriter Linda Woolverton’s… [read full post]
Other Carrollian Blogs
For all you Carrollian blog-happy readers, we’ve added a new page to the LCSNA site that brings together blog links listed in various other places of the site. This way,… [read full post]
Theater Review: 11th Hour Ensemble’s Alice
There’s a new theater piece called Alice, premiering tonight at the Theatre of Yugen, 2840 Mariposa Street in San Francisco (running September 9th through 19th), directed and “imagined” by Allison… [read full post]
SOUP! from Amos Mulder on Vimeo. A film about soup! canned soup in the leading role of a short allegory. 2010 Thanks to Lee Welsch (son of Sue &… [read full post]
Alice in the Redwoods
Atmos Theatre, a volunteer-run theater company in San Francisco, has adapted Alice in Wonderland for its ninth season of “Theatre in the Woods.” It’s been happening every Saturday & Sunday… [read full post]