Dmitry Yermolovich, Professor of Translation at Moscow State Linguistic University and a fine illustrator as well, has previously published Wonderland, Looking-Glass, and The Snark in bilingual editions, which he discussed in “As You Translate, So Shall You Draw” in KL 97:11-22, and “Drawing the Looking-Glass Country” in KL 99:11-15. This new hardcover collection, Все шедевры (All the Masterpieces), contains those three books, 32 of his color plates, “Phantasmagoria” (in a new translation), “The Three Voices,” “The Lang Coortin’,” “Hiawatha’s Photographing,” “The Mad Gardener’s Song,” and Carroll’s limericks, all annotated. The book is entirely in Russian.
His website (in Russian) is here, and you can order directly from the publisher on eBay for only $27 including free shipping!