A very cool looking VR immersive game is set to be released in October, called ALICE VR (formerly titled A.L.I.C.E), and is set in a far flung future world, but… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Month: September 2016
Annotated Alice 150th Anniversary Edition in Chinese
Rongbin Chen’s monumental translation of The Annotated Alice: 150th Anniversary Deluxe Edition into Chinese is now available. This site offers a 21% discount and international shipping, or you can find… [read full post]
New Alice Site
“Darkchilde” is an intelligent young lady who “happens to be interested in a wide variety of things,” according to her “sanctuary.” She has recently put in a wide-ranging Alice in Wonderland section…. [read full post]
Gorgeous Book on Russian Alice Illustrators
Illustrated Editions of Alice in Wonderland from the USSR and the Post-Soviet Era Those amazing folks at Artists’ Choice Editions have done it again! “With the advent of Glasnost, in… [read full post]
Stephen Hawking as the Mad Hatter?!
Well, we knew he was a genius but this takes him to a whole new level! Columnist Ben Bowie of The Guardian write in his article about an upcoming documentary… [read full post]
Boundless Books
The entire texts of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland plus 49 other literary classics from Aesop to Lovecraft in 128 pages? Well, yes it’s oversize (10¼” x 15″), but the secret is… [read full post]
Dutch Lewis Carroll Society
Interest in Lewis Carroll and his works continues to grow! New to me, but originally founded in the 1970s is the Dutch Lewis Carroll Society – Lewis Carroll Genootschap. Since 1976… [read full post]
April in Belgium: Call for Papers
The English Department and the Dean’s Service of the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation of the University of Mons (Belgium) are inviting proposals for their first joint conference on Alice’s… [read full post]
Spring Meeting Videos Available!
For those of you who could not attend the amazing spring meeting at the University of Maryland this past April, fear not! UMD graciously filmed all the talks and are… [read full post]