Interest in Lewis Carroll and his works continues to grow! New to me, but originally founded in the 1970s is the Dutch Lewis Carroll Society – Lewis Carroll Genootschap.
Since 1976 there has been a Dutch Lewis Carroll Society, named “Lewis Carroll Genootschap” (LCG). During the past 30 years, however, this society remained dormant, without any activities. Recently, two Dutch Carrollians, Bas Savenije and Casper Schuckink Kool, have initiated a revival of the society. The mission of the society is promoting contacts, primarily (but not exclusively) in The Netherlands and the Flanders area, between individuals and organisations, interested in the life and work of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known as Lewis Carroll.
The LCG aims at providing a platform for everyone concerned with Lewis Carroll by distributing publications (whether print or on-line), exchanging information with sister-societies in the United Kingdom and the USA, organising exhibitions and presentations, publishing a newsletter, maintaining a website and convening a festive annual event.
Starting with a website (, in Dutch), we are now trying to get in touch with others in the Dutch speaking region who are interested in Lewis Carroll. Since we aim to extend the activities outside this region, publications and other forms of communication will not only be in Dutch but also in English. An English version of the website will become available.
When there is sufficient interest, a festive revival meeting will be organised, with an attractive program and ample opportunity to discuss the society’s plans. Do you want to be informed about the plans and the revival meeting? Please make yourselves known to the following address: