Announcing the LCSNA Call for “Alice150” Logo Designs

The AlicesDear LCSNA members (and members-to-be!),

Our upcoming Alice150 celebration in 2015 needs a great Logo. And we need it fast.
Whether or not you’re a professional artist, we encourage you to try your hand at designing a Logo.

Logo Criteria:

1. Must include Alice150 (as one word) in a decorative and exciting but still clear piece of word art.
2. Must include a Tenniel or Tennielesque depiction of Alice.  Other character(s) are optional.  Please make sure to include only Tenniel or other copyright-free or original artwork.
3. Should use bold colors (but not the proprietary Disney Alice palette), and also be suitable for use in black & white.
4. Simplicity is desirable.  The logo we select will be adopted and modified for myriad purposes by the Alice150 planners, so it should be an image that will look good in different sizes, from a return address label to the center of a T-shirt (scalable).

Submissions must be received by midnight Pacific Daylight Time March 31st, 2014.

We will accept up to three logo designs per member.

Mail your submissions as an email attachment to the following four addresses:

Please submit your image as an email attachment in either PDF format (preferred), or in an MSWord document, and make sure that the email size is no larger than 5 megabytes.

All submissions become the property of the LCSNA, which will enjoy unlimited use of the image in all media.  All entrants will have our undying thanks.  The creator of the selected logo will be announced on the LCSNA website blog, and will receive a free one-year membership in the LCSNA, or a one-year extension of their existing membership.

And that’s all there is to it. Get creative, and good luck!

Joel Birenbaum and the Alice150 Committee

P.S. If you’d like to get involved in planning Alice150, contact Joel at:


One thought on “Announcing the LCSNA Call for “Alice150” Logo Designs

  1. We have already received a couple of submissions, which is very exciting. But we encourage all planning to submit to please follow the guidelines specified in this blog post. In 2015 we will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the 1865 publishing of “Wonderland” so we want a taste of Tenniel’s Alice visually. And we are also celebrating the prevalence of Alice in popular culture today, so you can be creative about how you might include a more contemporary image/feel as well. Please make sure to include only Tenniel or other copyright-free or original artwork. Thank you all. Keep those great ideas coming!!

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