The long-running TV game show “Jeopardy” features Carrolian “answers” on a regular basis. Sadly, the three contestants often don’t know the appropriate “question” in response. But on the May 29th… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Month: May 2013
Alice and Believing in Medieval Unicorns
An Alice sighting in Unicorn-land from LCSNA member Stephanie Lovett: The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Cloisters Museum, home of the famous unicorn tapestries, has an exhibit running called Search for the… [read full post]
The Bookman’s Tale by Charlie Lovett Available for Sale May 28th!
Today is publication day for this fascinating new novel from Charlie Lovett, former LCSNA President and wonderfully active LCSNA member: The Bookman’s Tale is a new novel from Viking Books by… [read full post]
A Wonderland-Themed Crossword Puzzle!
Here’s a treat for those of you who love to do a crossword with your tea or coffee on Sunday: Clever USC graduate student Andrew Woodham has won the 9th… [read full post]
Not a Bit!
A high-resolution bitmap artwork containing the entire text of Wonderland in the shape of Alice herself can be found here. The text is broken down into words whose frequency determines… [read full post]
Alice Speaks Yiddish
And now, Alice speaks Yiddish! A fine new translation of Wonderland using the Hebrew alphabet by Dr. Adina bar-El is now available for $25 including shipping via PayPal or check or… [read full post]
Long Island Ballet Theatre Presents Alice in Wonderland
Thanks to Lambert Liu for responding to my plea for blog items from all you Mimsy Minions! He found a flyer for a ballet performance at his local Huntington, Long… [read full post]
Calling all Mimsy Minions! Blog Posts Needed!
Attention, all Mimsy Minions! (If Lady Gaga can dub her fans “Little Monsters” then surely Lewis Carroll’s must be called “Mimsy Minions”.) It’s a lot of work to keep up… [read full post]
Lewis Carroll Phillustrated
Roger Allen, a long-time member of the LCS(UK), has produced a very amusing booklet, Lewis Carroll Phillustrated, of 42 pages measuring 8 x 11¾ inches and beautifully illustrated in color… [read full post]
Illustrating Alice
This just in from LCSNA President Mark Burstein: A gorgeous fine press book from Artists’ Choice Editions in London makes good on its promise of “an international survey of illustrated… [read full post]