Alice Illustrations at the Veluws Museum Nairac (Barneveld, Netherlands)

Camille Rose Garcia: ‘De hertogin zat op een krukje in het midden, met een baby op schoot’, 2010

There’s an exhibit at the Veluws Museum Nairac in Barneveld, Netherlands, from June 12th till October 30th. It celebrates the many looks of Alice, featuring illustrations from Tenniel through Camille Rose Garcia. They also claim to have “een bijzondere Aboriginal uitgave” (special edition Aboriginal?) In addition to the art, visitors “make a journey through Wonderland, where a number of themes and life-size figures are depicted. See yourself in the strange mirrors, sliding in to the perpetual tea party celebration with the Mad Hatter and the March Hare and take a look at the animal room.” (Text google-translated from their blurb.) The museum is at Langstraat 13, 3771 BA Barneveld.


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