Attention lovers of Carroll/Alice-themed art! We have just learned of the following exhibit, opening May 9th. If you attend, drop us a line and let us know what you thought!… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Camille Rose Garcia
Alice Illustrations at the Veluws Museum Nairac (Barneveld, Netherlands)
There’s an exhibit at the Veluws Museum Nairac in Barneveld, Netherlands, from June 12th till October 30th. It celebrates the many looks of Alice, featuring illustrations from Tenniel through Camille Rose… [read full post]
Camille Rose Garcia’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Camille Rose Garcia, an artist from L.A.’s lowbrow art movement, has illustrated Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Surely one of the most punk Alices to go underground, it was released on… [read full post]