The wonderful San Francisco Center for the Book, “a center of inspiration for the book arts world, featuring the art & craft of letterpress printing, bookbinding, and artists bookmaking,” which also hosted us a reception for us at our Spring 2017 gathering, has an annual fundraiser, the Roadworks Steamroller Printing Festival, which features artist prints made by, yes, a 7-ton 1924 Buffalo Springfield steamroller, with spectacular results.
Artist Rik Olson was inspired this year to create Down the Rabbit Hole (at left or above–and much larger–if you click on the post link), with the Alice characters and the steamroller itself! The print is 42 x 42 inches (of course), and sells for $500. He made ten prints, of which three are left at this writing. Contact Cheryl Ball for details. A great print supporting a great cause!
Bonus: Rik has confirmed that he put exactly 42 hearts in the print.