Pearls Before Swine, a nationally syndicated comic strip which runs in more than 400 papers, had an Alice in Wonderland-inspired sequence at the end of October 2009. The decade-old cartoon is written & drawn by San Franciscan Stephen Pastis. (The internet home of Pearls Before Swine is at the United Feature Syndicate website here:, where I’ve copied the strips below from.) They reminded me of Walt Kelly’s illustrations for “Who Stole the Tarts?” using similar anthropomorphic characters from his mid-century newspaper comic Pogo. If they’re too small to read, click on the image and it will redirect you to the strip at

An interesting twist in the scenario: instead of it being “such a curious dream”, the surreal wonderland adventures were the result of one of the other characters usurping the composition of the comic strip. Like the Red King’s dream, was the rat drawing the cartoonist or the cartoonist drawing the rat?
This was’s a whole “Alice in Wonderland rip-off or so-called “schematical plotline but on a scale from 1-10, i’ll give it a9