Want to see a lot of the great Alice art all in one place, from Carroll’s drawings to Dalí? Art and Illustrations of Alice make up a new exhibit at… [read full post]
Alice in Wonderland exhibit at Tate Liverpool

The Blog of the LCSNA
Want to see a lot of the great Alice art all in one place, from Carroll’s drawings to Dalí? Art and Illustrations of Alice make up a new exhibit at… [read full post]
FoxNews.com reports that Antony House, in Plymouth, UK, has seen a “huge increase in visitors” since Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland movie was released in March 2010. The mansion (pictured… [read full post]
There’s no debt to Tenniel in these murals at the Lewis Carroll Children’s Library in the London Borough of Islington (that’s London UK, not London TX, AK, OH, PA etc.)…. [read full post]