No, this is not about the famed novel by the “other” 19th-century Charles D., but to announce the biography of Charles L. Dodgson’s youngest brother, Edwin. The illustrious Edward Wakeling,… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Carroll Studies
Posts about Carroll-related study resources
Lewis Carroll’s Photography and Modern Childhood

Diane Waggoner’s impressive new book is now available from Princeton University Press. The text is most informative, and the photographs superbly reproduced. Diane has addressed the Society twice: in Los… [read full post]
North America’s First PhD in Publishing

Dr. Amanda Lastoria of Simon Fraser University in British Columbia has earned North America’s first PhD in Publishing. Her thesis, “The material evolution of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: How book… [read full post]
Spring Meeting Announced!

Details of the LCSNA Spring 2020 Meeting to be held in Cleveland on May 8-10 are here, including the meeting schedule, speaker topics and bios, special events, hotels, and a… [read full post]
Found in Translation

The 150th Anniversary Deluxe Edition of The Annotated Alice has just been published by Aki Shobo in Japanese translation. Although smaller in format and all in black-and-white, I’m sure all… [read full post]
Savile Clarke Productions

Mark and Catherine Richards’ excellent Lewis Carroll Resources website has a new section on the productions of the Savile Clarke Alice. The first was in 1886; 34 others are documented… [read full post]
E-Magazine Has Alician Theme

The second issue of SOURCE: the Magazine of the University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries has several articles on Alician matters. It is readable (or downloadable) here. Thanks to… [read full post]
The Graphing of the Snark

The hypergraph properties of a short excerpt (lines 547 to 556) of “The Hunting of the Snark” was presented by Ronald Haentjens Dekker and David J. Birnbaum in their talk… [read full post]
Alice UMons!
For those of you who were unable to attend the Alice conference at Mons University in Belgium, and were following our live tweeting on the edge of your seats, here… [read full post]
What the Tortoise Said to Achilles
Our partners in crime across the pond have published a new text on Carroll’s 1895 paper What the Tortoise Said to Achilles. This special edition of The Carrollian contains the original… [read full post]