The publisher Moonye has released the Princeton University Press version of Alice with the Dalí illustrations (이상한 나라의 앨리스: 살바도르 달리 에디션) in a translation into Korean by Soon-yung Lee (이순영). There are two editions: a trade (ISBN 978-89-310-2260-5, shown on the right) and a deluxe (예스 특별판, ISBN 978-89-310-2261-2, on the left). The introduction by Mark Burstein (마크 번스타인) and Professor Thomas Banchof (교수 토머스 밴초프) has been retained.
Best to order it from an online Korean bookstore unless a brick-and-mortar one is in your town. The trade edition is available from Books on Korea here; the deluxe (or both) can be purchased here.