A West African Wonderland

Mia Araujo (b. 1986) is a phenomenally talented artist and writer currently working on an illustrated YA/Adult novel adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. “My retelling of this classic story takes place in a fantastical West African setting, and is the story of two sisters who both see the White Rabbit. One chooses to follow, and the other stays behind.”

Graduated as valedictorian from Otis College of Art and Design, with a BFA in Illustration and a minor in Creative Writing, she has shown her work in prominent galleries across the U.S. and around the world, and has been published in such magazines as Hi-Fructose, Juxtapoz, and Spectrum. (The fact that she came to our attention through Iain McCaig should speak to the depth of her talent.)

Some of her Alice drawings and paintings can be seen here. As with many young artists, she is looking to crowd-sourcing to help her on her journey to a West African Wonderland, and is using Patreon to do so.
