A Professor Ponders The Mysteries of the Alice Books

Tenniel Looking-Glass TrainOur mimsy Knight Letter magazine editor has alerted me that Adam Roberts, a Professor of Nineteenth Century Literature at Royal Holloway University of London, is teaching a new course on Children’s Literature.  Currently Roberts is examining the Alice books with his students, presumably with his binoculars facing the correct way.  He has begun posting his theories and musings about the two books on his blog.  He also teases out a few entertaining ideas for a sequel of his own.

The link I’m providing sorts his blog posts by “Alice” so you should read from the bottom of the page up, if you wish to explore his thoughts in chronological order.

To read these Carrollian posts, click me.

Professor Roberts also teaches Creative Writing, and is the author of several science fiction novels, among other things.  To read more about him, click me.
