There’s a chance to see one of Charles Dodgson’s photographs up close at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston between now and August 5 this year. “Xie Kitchin Asleep on Sofa,” taken on July 14, 1873, is a recent acquisition by the museum and has been included in their new exhibition, Silver, Salt, and Sunlight: Early Photography in Britain and France. Other photographic pioneers celebrated include William Henry Fox Talbot, Edouard Baldus, Julia Margaret Cameron, and Francis Frith. has posted a slide show of exhibition highlights in an article entitled Postcards from the Dawn of Photography. The main article features an interview with Anne Havinga, the Estrellita and Yousuf Karsh senior curator of photographs at the museum. Havinga gives some interesting background to the exhibition and mentions Dodgson’s picture in particular: “…that’s our newest acquisition, so we’re very proud of it. Lewis Carroll’s work has a market beyond the photography world, so these images are expensive.”
The exhibition has also been reviewed by Mark Feeney for the Boston Globe.

Silver, Salt, and Sunlight: Early Photography in Britain and France
Museum of Fine Arts Boston from February 7 until August 19, 2012
How is “Xie” pronounced? [ˈɛksi]? [zi]?
According to the Wikipedia it’s eksi – –
“‘Xie’ (pronounced ‘Ecksy’ — a diminutive form of Alexandra) ”