Full Schedule Posted of LCSNA Fall 2011 Meeting!

Barry Moser's Hatter

Our Fall 2011 meeting will again be at the marvelous Manhattan campus of the New York Institute of Technology, on Saturday, November 12.

Speakers include Morton Cohen on Carroll’s epiphanies; Adriana Peliano, founder of the Lewis Carroll Society of Brazil, on the metamorphosis of Alice in illustrations and art; Alison Gopnik on her discovery of the Iffley Yew and how Dodgson’s real life affected his works; Emily R. Aguilo-Perez on film adaptations; Jeff Menges, editor of Alice Illustrated (coming from Dover in October), on illustrators; and James Fotopoulos, an artist and film-maker who made an avant-garde film called Alice in Wonderland and will also display related art.

The full program is available here.
