10/6 Happy Hatter Day To You

Arkham City Mad Hatter
New Villain Mad Hatter in Arkham City

October 6th – It’s Hatter Day, here in the US anyway. In the UK, much like Mother’s Day and Independence Day, they celebrate on a different day (the 10th of June).

Jervis Tetch
First appearance of Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter in Batman (1948)

In Hatter news, the mad one is to join the roster of villains out to kill Batman in the video game Arkham City. Josh Harmon discusses the addition on the gamer site Gameranx where there is also a trailer for the updated game.

Hatter entered Batman’s universe sixty-three years ago this month in 1948. Originally, he was a batty ever-so-slightly megalomaniacal baddie, real name Jervis Tetch. Over the years he’s gained a touch of 21st century evil, as the screenshot from Arkham City below suggests. The updated game will be released on October 18.


Arkham City Mad Hatter
New Villain Mad Hatter in Arkham City