Enough Un-Anniversaries, July 28th is actually the day Disney’s Alice in Wonderland was released in 1951. To celebrate properly, we’ll re-post from reigning expert Matt Crandall’s excellent Disney Alice blog,… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Matt Crandall
“Unintentionally Terrifying” Alice LPs on Cracked.com
The internet humor depot, Cracked.com, yesterday posted a collection of “19 Unintentionally Terrifying Children’s Album Covers”, two of which were old Alice records: Cracked comments: We’re tempted to chalk this… [read full post]
Disney’s 1957 Mock Turtle
This cartoon cel of Disney’s Mock Turtle is from LCSNA member Matt Crandall’s collection (featured in an interesting article on the “official” Disney fan site, D23.) Although the Mock Turtle… [read full post]