After every tea party must come the washing up (assuming your clock hasn’t stopped at 6 o’clock). Make the job more pleasant, or at least more literary, with the Alice in… [read full post]
‘Tis the Season to Remember Who Does the Dishes

The Blog of the LCSNA
After every tea party must come the washing up (assuming your clock hasn’t stopped at 6 o’clock). Make the job more pleasant, or at least more literary, with the Alice in… [read full post]
The Folio Society has published a facsimile of the original manuscript of Alice’s Adventures under Ground. The print run will be limited to 3,750 hand-numbered copies, each clad in goat… [read full post]
Tickets for next Wednesday evening’s Alice celebrations at the British Library are now sold out. Congratulations to our London-dwelling friends who managed to secure one. They will be enjoying readings… [read full post]