This conference, organized by Dr Franziska Kohlt, will take place on the 4th and 5th of November. Hosted by the University of York (UK), all talks and associated events will be held fully online. Contributions will be a mixture of traditional academic papers and alternative formats. Confirmed speakers thus far include Charlie Lovett and Diane Waggoner.
“The Looking-Glass itself will be the focal point of the conference. Aiming to explore the significance of the mirror in literature, science, theology, art and other fields, it will explore any facets of this concept that were relevant to ideas that shaped Carroll’s work, or, which have since been integral to its interpretation at different points in time.
“We particularly also invite reflections from practitioners, including creators of adaptations of the text, professionals in translation, museum studies, librarians, fashion, as well as from performers and interpreters, authors, poets and illustrators.”
Contributions for a new Companion to Through the Looking Glass, to be published with Peter Lang (Oxford) in 2022, will be sought after the conference.
Here’s their website and the call for papers. Questions? Email Dr Kohlt.