Renowned origamist Pasquale D’Auria’s take on Alice in Wonderland, using illustrations by Lá Studio and an adapted text by Alberto Bertolazzi has been published by Dover (ISBN: 978-0486820965). Pat Olski’s crochet patterns for… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Month: November 2017
Preview of Maggie Taylor’s Looking-Glass
Digital photomontagist Maggie Taylor’s Looking-Glass companion to her superb Wonderland, subject of Andrew Sellon’s glowing review in the Knight Letter (KL 81:43), is now available. The online photo-eye Gallery is showing six… [read full post]
What card should the Queen of Hearts be in a deck of cards?

All ways here you see, are the Three of Clubs’ way! This comes via Reddit’s r/crappydesign, the Comic Sans-loving subreddit devoted to horrifying style and engineering choices. User PingPongPresident found… [read full post]