42 Original Adriana Peliano Collages!

Adriana Peliano–artist extraordinaire, founder of the LCSBrazil, and beloved speaker at our conferences–recently emailed “Today is my 42nd un-unbirthday, an arcane Carrollian number. (There are also 42 Tenniel illustrations in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.) So, as a collage alicedelic artist, I decided to open my chest of pictures from many sources I collected throughout my long life and make puzzles over the original illustrations. The intention is not mirror the book, instead, to disconnect through free associations and curiouser coincidences.

“These are different from the ones in the Portuguese-language Alice edition I recently illustrated with digital collages; these ones are made from paper, scissors, and glue, which means: just one of each in this universe!

Take a look at them here. If you find something you like, click on it to see it enlarged and to be sure it’s still available, then email Adriana. US$42 (of course) each, plus postage.