Was there any doubt? The voting to determine Central Park’s most beloved statue was won by the de Creeft Alice sculpture, of course, and will be carved in ice on… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Month: January 2016
LCSNA Spring Meeting!
Make your travel plans, put in for personal days, block off your calendars! The Spring LCSNA meeting will be April 14 through 17, in the Baltimore/Washington area. We are being… [read full post]
Vote for Alice in Ice!
Vote for Central Park’s most beloved statue! This Valentine’s Day weekend, celebrate your love of Central Park’s sculptures! Central Park Ice Festival Saturday, February 13: 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm… [read full post]
Chris Morgan Puzzles the Rosenbach This Thursday
Our own Christopher Morgan, editor of the Puzzles and Games volume of our Pamphlets series and the newly crowned editor of the Knight Letter, will be speaking about Carroll’s puzzles… [read full post]
The Cheshire Cat Galaxy Group
The Chandra X-Ray Observatory released this image on November 23, 2015, of a group of galaxies nicknamed the Cheshire Cat. Some of the features of the “cat” are distant galaxies… [read full post]
Bandersnatch Cummerbund’s Revenge!
Benedict Cumberbatch, who became known as “Bandersnatch Cummerbund” to the Carrollian world due to some playfulness on the part of the Washington Post (story here), has taken his revenge on… [read full post]
Animated Alice Promotes a Charitable Book Store
Plenty, an Art and Motion Direction studio located in Buenos Aires, was commissioned to make a promotional video for online bookstore Good Books International, which donates all profits to Oxfam charities. We Need… [read full post]