Ray Dyer, PhD, has taken the “fairy” story contained in Sylvie and Bruno and Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, “here removed from its distracting asides, to be presented initially for specialist… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Month: December 2015
Dalí Alice Wins Gelett Burgess Award
It was just announced that the Dalí-illustrated Wonderland (the first trade edition) won the prestigious 2015 Gelett Burgess Children’s Book Award in the Commemorative/Anniversary Edition category. Mark Burstein, its editor, very much… [read full post]
Children’s Opera on CD
Will Todd and Maggie Gottlieb’s popular and critical success of their sweet operatic adaptation for children (we wrote about it here) is now available on CD and iTunes. One only wishes it… [read full post]
Ball State University’s Musical “Mad World” in January
For those of you in the Midwest this January 9th, you have the opportunity to see the Ball State musical Mad World as it is being staged as part of… [read full post]
And Now We’ve Seen Everything…

Andrew Sellon will Introduce Paramount’s 1933 Alice at Film Forum in NYC

LCSNA president emeritus Andrew Sellon will be giving a very brief intro before the screening of the 1933 Paramount “Alice in Wonderland” film this Sunday, December 6th at the Film… [read full post]