Something really cool is happening this month in honor of Alice 150 – a giant social, open source, public domain, digital publishing event all centered around Alice. Sponsored by and hosted on Medium, a social writing platform created by Twitter co-founder Ev Williams.
This event invites anyone to publish their own digital version of Alice using public domain art or their own. A dozen noted Carrollians – including our fearless leader Stephanie Lovett – will each annotate a chapter of Alice. In addition, artists are also being commissioned to create new illustrations – more to follow. For details on this and how to be a part of it, check out the event page and join the fun! Medium have done some of the legwork already:
To help people get started, we are hosting the original text, formatted for Medium, which participants are free to copy and use to build their own digital editions. We have also gathered many public domain art works inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, including the original illustrations accompanying the first edition by Sir John Tenniel, illustrations from Arthur Rackham, two silent black and white movie adaptations and other inspirations, which participants are free to use in addition to their own art.