This just in: The Wheelock Family Theatre in Boston is mounting a new Alice musical. Starting last Friday and running weekends through November 16th, tickets available here. From their press release:
This new adaptation sends us on a fantastical coming of age adventure. Alice, relying on her wit and empathy, must negotiate the seemingly arbitrary rules of polite society; the tea parties, the poetry recitals, the croquet matches, and the important dates with royalty. In this distorted adult world of Wonderland, will Alice retain her dreams when pressured by the capricious nature of conformity?
This new musical adaptation of the stories “Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice through the Looking Glass” by Stoneham local, Andrew Barbato, offers a fresh musical perspective on the satirical vignettes drawn up by Lewis Carroll. Barbato, who has graced local stages as an actor, has been writing plays since he was a teen. “WFT has been an instrumental force in my artistic development and I feel lucky to have been mentored by founding members Jane Staab and Susan Kosoff,” says Andrew. “Places like WFT replenish my soul and remind me that the journey is much richer than the destination.
A nice review of the show appeared in the Boston Globe on Oct 22nd.