This just in….
“First, I want to offer our thanks for posting a link to our album pre-sale for “Contrariwise: Songs from Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland andThrough the Looking-Glass” on your site. I don’t know if you post any updates on projects in process, but we have 63 hours left and have only met about 30% of our goal. The homepage for our campaign is: and here’s our most recent video update showing a session where we added “hundreds of voices” to the chorus of “Queen Alice” by recording in a former bank lobby, as well as a clip us performing “They told me you had been to her… ” at the Hilltown Spring Festival:
We thank you ninety-times-nine!
Daniel Hales, on behalf of Daniel hales, and the frost heaves.”
So, if you like indie/alternative music and enjoy supporting Carrollian music projects, you might want to check out their links before their fundraising campaign expires.