

Celebrating Wonderland

June 2015-January 2016

Its 150th anniversary was a unique and exciting occasion to celebrate a brilliant book that affects the culture worldwide every day. Alice has inspired people to create works of art, dance pieces, plays and performances, films, illustrations, jewelry, satires, and new adventures.

Events took place around the globe and this site will keep you informed about all of them. This site was particularly centered around events in NYC between June and November of 2015. There were 5 major exhibit sites, 5 days of conferences, and movie screenings.

The Lewis Carroll Society of North America spearheaded the effort to create a celebration worthy of this incomparable story of logic and madness. Many were a part of history; planning tea-parties, flash mobs, cosplays, graphic novels, read-aloud marathons, and more!

Blog Posts | Event Photos

Lewis Carroll’s Immortal Classic Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was published in the summer of 1865 and remains a widely beloved presence in today’s world. To celebrate its 150th anniversary (sesquicentennial), the Lewis Carroll Society of North America (LCSNA) coordinated a number of national and local events, centered on a celebration in the fall of 2015 in New York City.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5

The Alice books (we include Through the Looking-Glass) are likely the most frequently quoted works of fiction in the English-speaking world, standing alongside only Shakespeare in frequency of citation. They are among the most widely illustrated and translated, as well. Alice characters have permeated the English-speaking popular culture since they were published.

The books have been translated into and published in more than 112 languages in several thousand editions. Although New York City hosted significant presentations in October of 2015, with exhibitions up from September to November and many related events, Lewis Carroll and Alice were simultaneously celebrated in the UK, Japan, Brazil, and Canada, where there are active Lewis Carroll societies, and in many more countries that have vibrant expressions of Wonderland in their own cultures.

One of our goals is to educate our global audience about the life and works of Lewis Carroll (writer, photographer, mathematician, teacher, poet, entertainer), who carved a unique legacy for himself by combining his great talents for both science and art. His genius and his works exemplify how the combination of rational thinking and artistic expression enable children of all ages to learn in a more enjoyable and lasting way.

Alice and Carroll have inspired artists and scientists from the world of performing arts (including dance, music, theater, opera, film, television, video, websites), literary fiction, photography, cartooning, fine art, and poetry, as well as mathematics, education, logic, games, and puzzles. People of all ages were likewise inspired by Alice150, whether they attended the festivities or followed us on the Internet. #alice150
